New “wheely” good gig guide for Southland

12 Dec 2020

A new kind of gig guide is being wheeled out by Great South this summer.

Featuring as many events involving wheels as possible in January and February, the Summer Wheels guide is a celebration of Southlanders’ favourite pastimes, including everything from mountain biking to classic car events.

Great South GM tourism and events Bobbi Brown said the guide included nationally significant events like the Burt Munro Challenge, long standing events like the 34th Edendale Crank Up and local favourites like the Welcome Rock Brew Chop mountain bike event.

“There are events to work a sweat up in and events to mosey along and enjoy. Southlanders love these events and we want to help share them with our domestic visitors.”

Events were a key driver of tourism for the region, particularly in a post COVID-19 environment, Mrs Brown said.

“We have to be creative with how we attract people to the region.”

The pocket-size guide is available to pick up at service stations and Council service centres throughout the region and is also available online at

This was just the start of a cluster of events involving wheels that could be promoted in future years, Mrs Brown said.

“Anyone with a summer event involving wheels should get in touch with the team to be included for next year.”

View the guide here.