Te Ara Toitū

Our Sustainability Commitment

Great South's commitment to sustainability.

Ulva Island Southland New Zealand

Great South’s Sustainability Plan.

New Zealand has committed to a goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. As an organisation, we understand that adopting a sustainable approach is fundamental for the future success of our region and achieving our vision ‘even better lives through sustainable regional development'. 

Demonstrating regional leadership, Great South plans to become a carbon neutral organisation by 2025.

Golden Bay Track Southland New Zealand Credit Tourism New Zealand 6 1

Great South’s sustainability goals are to: 

  • Integrate environmental sustainability consideration in all we do 
  • Be a carbon neutral organisation by 2025 
  • Reduce waste and water consumption 

Te Ara Toitū has been designed so that sustainability is taken into account, with organisation-wide decision making and to: 

  • provide an agreed framework for prioritising resource 
  • create a positive impact
  • show leadership by example 
  • communicate results and 
  • ensure Great South is accountable, credible, and being real. 

Great South's commitment to sustainability is 'to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs' (Our Common Future – the Brundtland Report, 1987).

Our emission measurements include Great South and our subsidiary company SpaceOps NZ. To calculate our emissions, we use the Ministry for the Environment calculator and emission factors. We seek independent third-party verification and then publicly report our overall Great South greenhouse gas emissions. 

What we measure 

We measure direct greenhouse gas emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by Great South, such as emissions caused by fuel consumption in vehicles owned by the organisation.  

We also measure indirect greenhouse gas emissions, such as those caused by the generation of electricity, business travel, staff commuting and waste, among others.

Great South Emissions Profile Report 2022-23

Great South Emissions Profile Report 2021-22

Great South is supporting the region in various ways: