Beyond 2025 Southland drop-in sessions - Invercargill, Te Anau, Gore
29 May 2023

Southland is set to reveal a new regional plan, Beyond 2025 Southland aimed at creating a shared future vision and pathway for the region.
The Beyond 2025 Southland plan will be launched at the end of June 2023, and has a dual purpose as the long-term planning workstream within Southland’s Just Transition work plan and the updated Southland Regional Development Strategy 2015-2025 (SoRDS).
The Southland Just Transition process has been supported by an active partnership between iwi, local government, communities, business, unions, education, and central government (MBIE).
The plan is based on empowerment and aspirations identified for the people of Murihiku Southland, our environment and economy and has been supported by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), and the Southland Just Transition Enduring Oversight Group (EOG).
Development of the long-term plan has been facilitated by Great South.
Beyond 2025 Project Lead Bobbi Brown said it was exciting to be able to release over 18 months’ worth of work to the public.
“So much mahi has gone into this, and we are grateful for the community involvement we’ve seen.
“Honouring our guiding principle Inclusivity, the project team has provided extensive opportunities over the past 18 months for our people around the region to be involved and share their views for our pathway forward,” she said.
Over 400 engagements with community groups, organisations, businesses, iwi and agencies have been held, including numerous surveys, research and public roadshows around the region.
Beyond 2025 was still looking to offer more insight into the plan for anyone who was interested in finding out more.
“There are a number of drop-in sessions available to attend at the end of the month,” Mrs Brown said.
The sessions are:
- Civic Theatre, Invercargill, Monday 29 May at 5:30pm
- Hollyford Cafe, Te Anau, Tuesday 30 May at 5:30pm
- Croydon Lodge, Gore, Thursday 1 June at 5.30pm
People can also visit to join the conversation and learn more about the plan.
Beyond 2025 Project Advisor Nic Wills said they understood the importance of community involvement in shaping the future of the region.
“We’ll be providing regular updates on the progress of the plan and we urge the community to stay connected through our website, the Let’s Talk platform and our drop in sessions,” she said.
To view a copy of the plan, head to