11 Southland and Fiordland Events supported with Regional Events Funding

22 Apr 2021

The government’s regional events funding has assisted the organisers of 11 events across Fiordland and Southland with a total of $287,500 allocated in the inaugural funding round.

The fund, administered by Great South, was established by the government as part of its post COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Package, to stimulate domestic tourism by supporting existing events or helping grow new events.

Great South GM Tourism and Events Bobbi Brown said most of the applications were from existing events wanting help with improved marketing, as the fund was about attracting visitors from outside of the region.

“It was pleasing to see some existing events thinking outside the square and looking to diversify in order to attract new attendees from different places.”

Among the successful applicants was the Te Anau Community Events Trust, who were granted funding to support enhanced marketing, new event opportunities and online ticketing functions for three events - Stabicraft Te Anau Manapouri Fishing Classic; Milford Mountain Classic and the Te Anau Tartan Festival.  This also included support for a large events screen to help promote events.

The Tussock Country Music Festival in Gore also received support for their event which is held at Queen’s Birthday weekend and attracts close to 10,000 people, almost half of which are from out of the Southland region.

New events to be held in Te Anau also received support including the NZ Nature Photography Summit in September and the Men’s Muster, to be held during men’s health week in June.

The funding is from two separate pools, with $372,500 still available for Fiordland events from the Fiordland Regional Events Fund and $100,000 for Southland events from the Southland Regional Events Fund.  Each fund has an Investment Panel to assess applications.

Four applications were declined across the two funds but applicants were encouraged to apply in the next funding round in September.

“We’re just pleased to have got this funding out as soon as we could, because it’s really needed right now,” Mrs Brown said.

While the next funding round is in September, expressions of interest would be accepted any time before then.

“I encourage anyone who thinks they might have a new event in mind or an idea to add to an existing event to get in touch,” Mrs Brown said.

Southland District Council deputy mayor and Fiordland funding panel member Ebel Kremer said it was fantastic for the region to have this funding stimulus.

“Events are going to be a key reason why people travel at the moment and it’s particularly important for the Fiordland community.”



Successful Applicants 

Fiordland Regional Events Fund

Muster Te Anau Charitable Trust - Men’s Muster Te Anau
Great South - Te Anau Food Event Investigation
Te Anau Events Trust - Te Anau Tartan Festival
Te Anau Events Trust - Stabicraft Te Anau Manapouri Fishing Classic
Te Anau Events Trust - Milford Mountain Classic
Te Anau Events Trust/Great South - Events Screen & Trailer
NZ Photography Workshops - NZ Nature Photography Summit
Great South/Te Anau Events Trust - Strategic Review

Southland Regional Events Fund

ILT Stadium Southland - Schick 3X3 Cup
Great South - ILT Kidzone Festival
Tussock Country Music Festival Trust -Tussock Country Music Festival
Fusion Events - Coastal Ultra Run 2022

For more information please contact communications Emma Carle
Phone 027 801 3606
Email emma.carle@greatsouth.nz