Destination Development
With agriculture being a key driver for the region, it is no surprise that Murihiku Southland has become well known as the ‘home of agritourism’ in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Agritourism in Murihiku Southland
Agriculture lies at the core of our identity and is a key part of who we are and what we do. Therefore, agritourism is well aligned with Murihiku Southland and its communities, offering visitors the chance to immerse themselves in an authentic experience. Agritourism also provides an opportunity to bring the benefits of tourism to some of our smaller communities and encourages visitors to spend more time exploring the region.
Agritourism experiences are one of the key activities that visitors associate with Murihiku Southland. Great South delivers marketing campaigns to build awareness of agritourism and the breadth of tourism activity in the region and connects new and existing operators, with further product development opportunities.