

The region’s strengths and uniqueness are utilised to promote Murihiku Southland as an attractive and vibrant place for people to live, work, study and visit.

Retention and Attraction

Building on the platform established by SoRDS, we’ve recognised the importance of attraction and how the region needs to better define and tell its' unique story.

A comprehensive regional story Murihiku - The South Land has been developed and the focus is now to activate this story in a cohesive way across the region. This would be for all audiences and places and would support the efforts of our region’s businesses and organisations to attract workforce. 

The Business Transitions Research Report (Southland Business Chamber June 2022) identified the need for a coordinated approach at a regional level to develop a regional brand strategy to support worker attraction. This would also include recruitment tools and assistance to support more effective and efficient recruitment.

Next Steps


In Progress

"The regional destination website www.southlandnz.com is the primary digital promotional tool and reflects live, work and visit."

  • Southlandnz.com continues to solidify its position as the region's 'go-to website' experiencing impressive year-on-year growth in visitation exceeding 5%.  In the 2022/23 year, it welcomed 929,205 page visits. 

In Progress

"To support wider sharing of the regional story, Murihiku – The South Land, a Regional Ambassador Programme is established and there is consideration of alignment with sub regional branding and positioning."

  • Great South is developing a Regional Ambassador Programme which will be launched in Q1 2024/25.  

In Progress

"A Regional Recruitment Toolbox is developed to support businesses in recruitment of workforce."

  • Great South developed and launched the "Get a Life / Get Southland" project in May 2024 which includes the "Get a Life Toolkit" to support businesses to recruit workforce.
  • Further resources are planned including a "Living in Southland" guide to attract and support newcomers to the region.

In Progress

"Ensure a cohesive and regionwide approach to attract people to live, study, work and visit Murihiku Southland."

Not Yet Started

"The development of a Welcoming Activation Hub."