It takes into consideration short, medium and long-term priorities, as well as available resources and funding. It also allows for the approach and priorities to change as various scenarios for the region eventuate.
Beyond 2025 Southland
Implementation Approach
Great South, in consultation with the region’s leaders and other key stakeholders, has developed a pathway to implement the Beyond 2025 Southland Regional Long-Term Plan.

The Implementation Plan shows the many organisations that are responsible for delivering the 124 recommendations within it.

A key focus of the implementation plan is to show how intrinsically interconnected projects, organisations and social issues are and that areas cannot be looked at in silos.
Great South, Councils, iwi, key stakeholders and other Southland Just Transition workstreams, will deliver projects in partnership with Central Government. Great South is responsible for the overall facilitation and coordination, including the ongoing monitoring, assessment and communication of implementation progress.
Out of the 124 recommendations, 42 are based around advocacy, while 82 are specific projects across environment, economy, people and key enablers.