Mō Mātou

About Us

Even better lives through sustainable regional development.

Milford Sound Fiordland Southland New Zealand Credit Great South 29 1 v2

Great South, Southland Regional Development Agency.

Great South was established as the Southland Regional Development Agency in March 2019. Committed to driving economic, social and cultural growth, Great South has a clear mandate to leverage opportunities for Southland in the areas of economic and business development, tourism and events.

We manage the two regional tourism organisations within Murihiku Southland, as well as central government’s Regional Business Partner network and deliver a range of events, regional initiatives, and government-funded contracts. We also own Space Operations New Zealand Limited.

In essence,  we provide a unified voice for the region, striving towards our vision of even better lives through sustainable regional development.

Our Vision

Our vision of ‘even better lives through sustainable regional development’ represents the ambitious goals of the Great South Board, its shareholders and the whole Murihiku Southland region. It speaks to the potential for Murihiku Southland to be recognised as the best place to live, work and play, and the sustainable approach that will be taken to make this happen.

Murihiku Southland has the drive, enthusiasm and leadership needed to establish itself on the world stage as a contemporary, connected and competitive place that is home to ‘even better lives’, and Great South is committed to achieving this vision.

Kepler Track Fiordland Southland New Zealand Credit Great South 11

Our Priorities

Regional Development Leadership

Great South provides leadership for the region by facilitating the implementation of the Beyond 2025 Southland Long Term Plan and through advocacy, writing submissions and representing Murihiku Southland nationally.

Food Storytelling Event Southland New Zealand Credit Great South 38

Our Priorities

Business Support and Diversification

Great South supports the growth of the business sector in Murihiku Southland and investigates and aids opportunities to diversify the economy. We also support the attraction and retention of a skilled workforce to our region to support new and existing industries.

Te Ara Taurapa Bluff to Invercargill Cycle Trail Southland New Zealand Credit Great South 50 1

Our Priorities

Regional Promotion

Great South promotes Murihiku Southland as a great place to live, work and visit and in doing so supports the attraction of tourists whose values align with ours.

Solar Panels Southland New Zealand Credit Sebastian Katzlese

Our Priorities

Net Zero Southland

Great South works with businesses across Murihiku Southland to address carbon emissions, and facilitates and supports them in making reductions, as the region heads towards being carbon neutral by 2050. 

What We Value


We see ourselves as guardians of this place and are serious about our responsibility to protect our home for future generations. We are committed to ensuring our people and place continue to thrive.

Southland Proud

At the core of every successful region, you will find people who passionately contribute to the growth of the place they call home. Murihiku Southland is no different. We are proud of where we come from and are excited to play a part in helping our region achieve its potential.


Our natural environment is unique, attracting people from all over the world. We’re realistic about our future and know that adopting a sustainable approach, from both an environmental and longevity perspective, is fundamental for the future success of this region.


We have a long and rich history. It is this history that has led us to where we are today and, as we move forward, we will continue to recognise and pay respect to our heritage and the journey we have taken so far.

Being Real

We embrace the region’s strong entrepreneurial spirit where, if you can dream it, you can do it. We’re not about the flashy stuff, we’re real, down to earth, and committed to making great things happen.

Quality Over Quantity

We focus on doing a smaller number of things well, rather than spreading ourselves too thinly. The nature of our involvement may vary across different regional initiatives, but we will at all times be committed to the development of the place we call home.

Community Support

We know that it is only with the support of our communities that we will achieve our ambitious goals. We’re committed to working together to develop a vibrant, diverse and thriving region and to providing our communities with a strong foundation for the future.

Shareholder Confidence

We are committed to working with our shareholders to instil in them a confidence in both Great South and the future of this region. Together, we’ll make great things happen for Murihiku Southland.